Oliver's grove baptist church


In 1880 Messrs. Haywood Johnson and Ruffus Oliver, along with a small group of Christians, formed Oliver’s Grove Baptist Church to share the good news of God reconciling man to Himself. As the oldest Baptist church in the southern portion of the Johnston Baptist Association, Oliver’s Grove was a charter member of the Johnston Baptist Association (now Triangle East Baptist Association) which organized in 1903.

The history of Oliver’s Grove is rich in church planting, with the “Church on the Hill” being instrumental in organizing Four Oaks Baptist Church, Benson Baptist Church, Blackmon’s Grove Baptist Church, and Burnell Baptist Church.

Oliver’s Grove strives to meet the spiritual needs of the community.Growing from a one-room building, the church is now an intergenerational congregation that values worship, fellowship, spiritual formation, and missions.

what we do

Our Ministries

We are passionate about the local church, and are on mission to see God’s kingdom established across the earth. See how you can help:
Wooden Ramp

Men's Brotherhood

The Baptist Men meet quarterly for breakfast, devotion, and fellowship. They also serve the elderly and handicapped on local service projects, such as building ramps. Some men have worked on state and national service projects including disaster relief in North Carolina and within the continental U.S.

Women's Missionary Union

The WMU has a long history of local service and participation in the national and international mission effort. Projects managed by the WMU include: Backpack Buddies, Relay for Life, meals for funeral services, as well as projects with the Choices Pregnancy Center, Samaritan’s Purse, 40 Days Declutter Challenge, and Johnston County Medical Service Support.

Prayer Blanket Journey

Oliver’s Grove Baptist Church believes that prayer is a powerful tool in the life of a Christian. Prayer Blanket Journey was organized to provide blankets to individuals, young and old, in need of a good word and a warm reminder of the God’s love for each of his children. Our church and the PBJ team pray over each handmade garment in hopes that it will bring comfort, courage, and trust during times of trial, and that the recipient feels the presence of God during those times. Our motto is, “You are KNOT alone.”
This ministry meets each Thursday afternoon in the fellowship hall and prepares each blanket for personal delivery to individuals and families in need of encouragement and prayer.

Vacation Bible School

Oliver’s Grove Baptist Church has a passion for seeing children come to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Each summer, our church devotes time to our church youth and the youth of our community by conducting Vacation Bible School. Themed lessons, along with skits, songs, and crafts are presented to introduce each child to our Lord and Savior.